Monday, May 30, 2011

Follower Award

       Assalamualaikum kepada semua.Hmm.Dah beberapa hari cadang nak updates entry baru,tapi asyik tak menjadi disebabkan tiada idea dan ketandusan fikiran.Nasib baik sedang blogwalking blog-blog ni datang jugak idea untuk buat entry.Dalam blog yang aku baca ada yang bercerita tentang award..Berbagai-bagai  award diorang dapat.Lawa dan unik design award yang dibuat.Dalam kepala aku juga berlegar-legar soalan berkenaan award ni untuk apa sebenarnya.Blog yang ada award ni memang menarik ke atau bajet je lebih.Atau sekadar nak menunjuk-nunjuk yang blog itu bagus..Gurau sikit.Haha Berdasarkan pemerhatian dalam blog lain,award ini diberi sebagai penghargaan kepada sesuatu blog tersebut.Btul ke apa yang aku merepek ni.Apa pendapat korang.

         Untuk entry kali ini aku nak cerita pasal award.Dapat jugak la award pertama.Tu pun sebab ada insan yang bermurah hati nak bagi dekat aku.Terharu rasanya sekejap..huhu.Insan berkenaan adalah ASYIKIN ROSLI atau  kukin dan ini blog dia si sengal yang bebal punya hal :). Terima kasih ye bagi saya follower award.PIN PIN!.hehe.  

Okey kena tag dan menjawab soalan 

                          1. apa nama blog serta kenapa pilih nama tu?
         wide areas.Sebab nama blog menarik,pelik  dan mempunyai identiti yang berbeza.

2. blog favourite anda yang selalu anda terjah?
Ben Ashaari dan Sengal Zone

3. kenapa suka blog dia?
            Banyak belajar dan menuntut ilmu  daripada blog mereka 
          4. apa yang anda suka pasal diri anda?
             Merendah Diri rasanya..btul ni..haha                                     
                                     5. tag 2 orang blogger untuk award ni. 
sekian, terima kasih

 P/S:Kepada dua orang yang saya tag tu,sudi-sudi la ambik award ni.  

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Learn from History


History have a significance aspect on human life.People should study history from the past which happened with have cause and effect from the human life. From the history, it will have give benefit  and lesson the future generations to take lessons from what happened in the past.

From the past history, focused on each civilizations or country will have their on story,tradition and culture.Each civilizations or country have their own significance image from their existence.So to know history is about the true record event from the past and how the history is produced.For example,why world war 2 is happened and is there any conspiracy from the cause of the event happened.However,  we cannot accept all the history happened is totally true if not have true evidence and  had to think and study for widely why it is occur and impact, sometimes it is likely had been cheated and being transformed by parties which relating to their interest.         

          Finally, history have positive purpose for the human life to learn about it by to accept the outcomes.With history people can change their life exactly with the behavior ,thinking,discipline and all aspect to become more good than yesterday.History also will increase human spirit to focused for development in the future.The globalization world now try to develop anything from their benefit and to achieve their own objective by any approached.